Chair’s Message—March 2023

As societies worldwide emerge from the isolation imposed by the Covid pandemic, we all have an opportunity to adapt and evolve some of our pre-pandemic practices.  Last month, SVACS celebrated the 2022 Mosher Award with an in-person gathering at Stanford University’s Sapp Science Center. It was a fun evening, with Professor Zare presenting stories and challenges that he faced over the years as a member of the Stanford Chemistry department, including several years as Chair.  It was marvelous to see everyone again in-person and to share that friendly networking environment.  But we can also acknowledge that the years of holding meetings by Zoom had some benefits.  It is easy to attend an evening seminar from the comfort of one’s own home and avoid the hassle of Bay Area traffic.  The Zoom meetings also allow remote participation.  In fact, we have had international attendance at some of our SVACS Zoom seminars.  So, to enjoy the benefits from both approaches, we will be adopting a mixed schedule.   We hope to hold an in-person gathering once a quarter, with Zoom seminars added to the schedule as well.  

Our next seminar (described elsewhere in this newsletter) will be a joint meeting with the Puget Sound ACS local section, held over Zoom.  On April 12, Dr. Steve Boyer will present an update on “Curating Worldwide Scientific Content” which will describe ongoing efforts to provide researchers readily searchable access to previously unavailable resources, relevant in the areas of patents, pharmaceuticals, publishing, health care, and environmental science.

Later this year, we will host Dr. P. Andrew Evans, Alfred R. Bader Chair in Organic Chemistry at Queen’s College, Ontario for an encore presentation of his research.  Dr. Evans was the 2020 Mosher Award recipient, and did not have the opportunity to present his work in-person.  He will return to the Bay Area for a second presentation, this time in-person.  Stay tuned to this newsletter for the details.

As my last comment for this chair’s message, the Spring 2023 ACS National Meeting will take place later this month in Indianapolis.  ACS National is also adapting to the new post-pandemic environment – the format of the National Meeting will include both virtual presentations and familiar in-person events such as the Sci-Mix poster session and the ever-popular Exposition.  I hope you can participate either virtually or in-person.  I’ll be there in-person and look forward to connecting with friends and colleagues.

Respectfully submitted,

Natalie McClure

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